Patient forum endoprosthetics on July 12th, 2023 Klinikum Neustadt a. Rbge.

Meet us at the patient forum “Minimally invasive and precise surgical procedures in endoprosthetics” in the Neustadt am Rübenberge clinic!

Chief Physician Priv.-Doz. Dr med Martin Panzica and senior physician Dr. med Dirk Rothenbusch report on the main topics of minimally invasive hip joint replacement (AMIS) and virtual augmented reality (VAR) in knee joint replacement.

The system for the virtual augmented reality has recently been added to our portfolio and we deliver it to the clinic in Neustadt.

On Wednesday, July 12th at 5 p.m., information on the modern surgical procedures in hip and knee joint prosthetics established in the clinic, including the resulting improved early rehabilitation concepts for rapid recovery, will be presented.

Participation in the information event is free of charge. Registration is not required. More information can be found here.